Monthly Archives: October 2014

game research

map 1Picture 5  this is a game called tank trouble..the goal of this game is to stand your ground or hunt and kill. every time you kill the other tank, you go on the nexts level and it gets harder and the .A.I. be’s even smarter.the A.I use’s different ways to out smart you. the other game is called pac man. the roll of the game is to get all of the pac dot’s. but with out  getting touch by the monster’s, if you get touch by the monster’s you lose a life, at the start of the game you have 3 life’s.

i would like my game to be maze trap game. the goal of the game is, you are the snail vs slugs, the slugs are triying to hunt you down and kill u with salt. you can stand your ground  or get away to the end of the maze to get to the nexts level. each level gets harder and harder. you the player have to work out to servie and wait for the perfet time to strike or use stelf to win….you deside what  you will do.

game home work

produce at least 2 sections of research on ur blog. dont forget to wright.

A. introdction(what i intended to find out to find out…)

B. main body(visual and verbal references, describe and explan tectniques used-deconstuct examples)

C. conclusion(what have you discovered and how are you going to use it in ur project)

produce a 250 word essay for my game idea.

a game tank game and slugs and snals game

Game research

What I intended to discover
What makes a great mazesgame
What  main characters are there in games that are non human
Ask ur self questions

Main body
Visual and verbal reference
Pictures and words

What did I find out and how do i intend to use it

Maze game
3rd person game non human could be a car
Need pick ups need 2 pick ups
Need timer
Need start screen,win screen,lose screen

The maze game I’m thinking of is a tank game, where have to shoot  a great game called truble tank

Featured image

The Pixar Story

There are many advantages and disadvantages..but I’m going to tell you some. Disadvantages 1.The people who worked at Pixar had a slow start, they did not have a lot of money to spend to get the latest tec.

2. They did not have all right people to work the anmations , they had to import some guys in. 3. They needed investors to fund the work, to make films.

Advantages 1. They made some of animation that WILL be rembered for thought out time, such as Toy Story, this film was not just for kids but for all, this places a lot of the people. 2. They had great ideas, which acted the right people to join in the fun. 3. They had people who they could ask/demand money to help them out..the people who helped them out Steve Jobs and Disneys money.

Concept art for buzz light year

To be honest I don’t see why they drawn so many, as sketch then just to pick one. If this was me I bwould drawn one then I would put all my abillaty and power to create one..but that’s me…
Most would say they make many so you can have a better choose to pick one out, then there’s more to talk about,, so called ideas.